Here at Custodis Investigations our tracing service is second to none.
We have such great belief in our people tracing service that we offer a ‘no trace no fee’ price structure for you. That means if we can’t find an exact, current UK address for your subject we won’t charge you a single penny! In addition we also offer a money back guarantee so in the highly unlikely event that the address we supply for you isn’t correct we’ll refund our fees in full.
The more information you can give us the more accurate we can be with our people tracer service but we can operate with as little as a first and last name in some cases. We have the latest software and investigation techniques to enable our people tracing department to currently be working to a 97.4% success rate when tracing subjects in the UK. It is extremely difficult for someone to disappear completely without leaving a trace behind them – that’s where Custodis Investigations come in.
Whether you’re looking to trace a family member, trace a bad debtor or trace the director of a company that owes you money our experienced tracing service team are well trained and will work tirelessly to get a result for you. At Custodis all our private investigators have obtained a Level 3 Private Investigation qualification which will form the basis for P.I licensing when this is introduced in late 2014. This involves weeks of study and an intensive course followed by a 2 hour examination.
We also offer a comprehensive global missing persons service that whilst not included in our ‘no trace no fee’ service is reasonably priced according to your budget. Our people tracing team contain many staff members that are bi-lingual so investigations in foreign countries do not pose a problem for us. Using our partnerships with private investigation agencies in many different countries across the world we’re confident that we can find your subject efficiently whilst working to the budget agreed with us during your consultation.
Simply complete our contact form and we can get working on your case within 30 minutes or call one of our helpful people tracer team today on 020 7078 7278.